USAID Property Rights Program


The PRP and ARDI programs build upon current and previous initiatives of the Government of Armenia, the U.S. Government, and other organizations to foster the country’s broader development beyond capital Yerevan and address the economic challenges in rural communities. The two programs will complement their efforts and will target about 150 communities in all marzes of Armenia except Yerevan. The five-year programs will increase rural employment by tackling critical constraints to rural economic development, such as community competitiveness, sound economic governance, workforce development and small scale infrastructure upgrades. PRP and ARDI will seek to expand employment prospects for women, youth and vulnerable groups, build the capacity of local entrepreneurs and improve their access to finance. The PRP program will be implemented by SME DNC in collaboration with CARD, GCCI and EV-consulting. ARDI will be implemented by the Fuller Center for Housing with Heifer International Armenia.