24 Nov 2014
November 14th, 2014, the opening ceremony of the Artashavan Farm and Veterinary Service Center (FVSC) was hosted in Aragatsotn region. The event was organized by the RA Ministry of Agriculture, the state agency “Agriculture Project Implementation Unit” (APIU) and the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD) Foundation.
The establishment of the Center was made possible through the World Bank funds in the framework of the “Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness” (CARMAC) project. The future management of the Center is planned to be taken over by CARD.
“This building will serve as a problem-solving center for farmers. This is the 5th Center established in Armenia, and in upcoming 2 years, we will have similar centers in all marzes. I would like to thank the World Bank for its financial support to implement the CARMAC project in 6 regions of Armenia. The 2nd phase of the project will include 2 more regions which means that it will cover nearly 200 communities”, said the RA Minister Mr. Sergo Karapetyan.
The capacities of the Center will be used to provide the community veterinarians, farmers and agribusinesses with technical and business assistance in addressing animal health and animal husbandry issues.
Just like other FVSCs, this Center will as well provide a wide range of services, veterinary services in particular: disease prevention and treatment, access to animal health medicines, veterinary input supplies and farm supplies, technical assistance, links to supply market, as well as business development information and financial services.
The establishment of such Centers will be ongoing aimed at developing the private veterinary and business service capacities in the country.